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A dispute board is a panel of impartial members, appointed at the outset of the construction contract, whose purpose is to monitor progress, resolve disputes as they arise and provide a forum for discussing difficult matters. This book provides an in depth analysis of dispute board law and detailed, practical explanations of how dispute boards work in construction contracts for those actively involved. as well as for those who need to learn the process. Important features of the book include: Explanation of how a dispute board works: Insider knowledge of board operations: Key documents to run a dispute board: Detailed discussion of dispute board law (covering key jurisdictions worldwide): Forms of practice and procedure, and sample documents Reviews of the previous edition «Chern's book provides an extremely practical guide, covering not only an introduction to the process but also providing check lists and sample documentation.... This book will be welcome by practitioners in the area and newcomers to the dispute board process.» —The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management, November 2009 «This book will provide a very useful, perhaps essential, guide to parties commissioning large capital construction projects, those advising them and those bidding to carry out such works, and importantly, the project funders.» —The Expert & Dispute Resolver «This is a must-have book for grown up contractors» —Tony Bingham, Building «His timely work …concentrating on what may prove to be the primary means of dispute resolution for major international construction projects is to be welcomed.» —HHJ Humphrey Lloyd, QC, The International Construction Law Review «This excellent book on Dispute Boards is a must for every construction lawyer, engineer, architect and contractor who is either involved in Dispute Boards or wants to be» —Herbert Wilson, The Journal of the Dispute Board Federation

The Big Book of Dashboards. Visualizing Your Data Using Real-World Business Scenarios The Big Book of Dashboards. Visualizing Your Data Using Real-World Business Scenarios

Автор: Steve Wexler

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The definitive reference book with real-world solutions you won't find anywhere else The Big Book of Dashboards presents a comprehensive reference for those tasked with building or overseeing the development of business dashboards. Comprising dozens of examples that address different industries and departments (healthcare, transportation, finance, human resources, marketing, customer service, sports, etc.) and different platforms (print, desktop, tablet, smartphone, and conference room display) The Big Book of Dashboards is the only book that matches great dashboards with real-world business scenarios. By organizing the book based on these scenarios and offering practical and effective visualization examples, The Big Book of Dashboards will be the trusted resource that you open when you need to build an effective business dashboard. In addition to the scenarios there's an entire section of the book that is devoted to addressing many practical and psychological factors you will encounter in your work. It's great to have theory and evidenced-based research at your disposal, but what will you do when somebody asks you to make your dashboard 'cooler' by adding packed bubbles and donut charts? The expert authors have a combined 30-plus years of hands-on experience helping people in hundreds of organizations build effective visualizations. They have fought many 'best practices' battles and having endured bring an uncommon empathy to help you, the reader of this book, survive and thrive in the data visualization world. A well-designed dashboard can point out risks, opportunities, and more; but common challenges and misconceptions can make your dashboard useless at best, and misleading at worst. The Big Book of Dashboards gives you the tools, guidance, and models you need to produce great dashboards that inform, enlighten, and engage.

M&A Disputes. A Professional Guide to Accounting Arbitrations M&A Disputes. A Professional Guide to Accounting Arbitrations

Автор: Gerald Hansen M.

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Excel Dashboards and Reports For Dummies Excel Dashboards and Reports For Dummies

Автор: Michael Alexander

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Create dynamic dashboards and put your data on display with For Dummies No matter what business you’re in, reports have become a staple of the workplace, but what good is a report if no reads it, or even worse, understands it? This all new edition of Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies is here to help you make meaning of all your data and turn it into clear and actionable visualizations. Fully updated for the latest business intelligence and spreadsheet tools in Excel 2013, this book shows you how to analyze large amounts of data, quickly slice data into various views on the fly, automate redundant reporting, create eye-catching visualizations, and more. Helps you move beyond reporting data with simple tables, rows, and columns to designing high-impact reports, dashboards, and visuals Walks you through a wide array of technical and analytical concepts to give you the background you need to select the right tool for interpreting and displaying data Covers how to build a chart, work with pivot tables, group and bucket your data, represent trends, create What-If analyses, and increase the value of your reports Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the business analysis tool you need to transform your raw data into a powerful and effective presentation that is accessible to everyone.

Business Dashboards. A Visual Catalog for Design and Deployment Business Dashboards. A Visual Catalog for Design and Deployment

Автор: Manish Bansal

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Focusing on designing the right dashboards for use in an organization, this timely, full color book reveals how to successfully deploy dashboards by building the optimal software architecture and dashboard design. In addition, it describes the value of this popular technology to a business and how it can have a significant impact on performance improvement. A unique collection of more than 120 dashboard images are organized by category. One of the chapters provides a step-by-step description of the key performance indicator (KPIs) design process. One of the appendices contains more than 1,000 examples of KPIs to help design the content of dashboards. The book also describes all the steps in a dashboard implementation and offers related advice. Nils Rasmussen (West Hollywood, CA) is cofounder and Principal of Solver, Inc. Claire Y. Chen (Long Beach, CA) is a Senior Business Intelligence Architect at Solver, Inc. Manish Bansal (Irvine, CA) is Vice President of Sales at Solver, Inc.

Mastering Presentations. Be the Undisputed Expert when You Deliver Presentations (Even If You Feel Like You're Going to Throw Up) Mastering Presentations. Be the Undisputed Expert when You Deliver Presentations (Even If You Feel Like You're Going to Throw Up)

Автор: Doug Staneart

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A simple four-step process for delivering winning presentations Mastering Presentations explains how entrepreneurs and small business owners can use guest speaking opportunities to generate rapport with audiences in order to foster business relationships with these audiences. The book provides a simple four-step process for giving presentations that helps eliminate the butterflies and increase self-confidence. It offers tips such as the 10 speaking venues that can generate more clients and credibility, an easy way to improve your memory that will help you present more confidently, a simple, but powerful process to design your presentation in 15-minutes (or less), and more. Explains how and why speaking to groups is a quick and easy way to generate positive, word-of-mouth advertising for your company Lists PowerPoint mistakes that will kill your chances of success and how to avoid them Offers tips on how to lead fearless question and answer sessions The energy and enthusiasm of a great presentation is contagious, and public speaking is a great way to channel this energy and generate a loyal following.