Скачать книгу - Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry, Analysis and Function of Amino Acids and Peptides

This is the last of five books in the Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Synthesis series. Closing a gap in the literature, this is the only series to cover this important topic in organic and biochemistry. Drawing upon the combined expertise of the international «who's who» in amino acid research, these volumes represent a real benchmark for amino acid chemistry, providing a comprehensive discussion of the occurrence, uses and applications of amino acids and, by extension, their polymeric forms, peptides and proteins. The practical value of each volume is heightened by the inclusion of experimental procedures. The 5 volumes cover the following topics: Volume 1: Origins and Synthesis of Amino Acids Volume 2: Modified Amino Acids, Organocatalysis and Enzymes Volume 3: Building Blocks, Catalysis and Coupling Chemistry Volume 4: Protection Reactions, Medicinal Chemistry, Combinatorial Synthesis Volume 5: Analysis and Function of Amino Acids and Peptides Volume 5 of this series presents a wealth of methods to analyze amino acids and peptides. Classical approaches are described, such as X-ray analysis, chromatographic methods, NMR, AFM, mass spectrometry and 2D-gel electrophoresis, as well as newer approaches, including Surface Plasmon Resonance and array technologies. Originally planned as a six volume series, Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry now completes with five volumes but remains comprehensive in both scope and coverage. Further information about the 5 Volume Set and purchasing details can be viewed here.

Color Atlas of Biochemistry Color Atlas of Biochemistry

Автор: Jan Koolman

Год издания: 

Second edition, enlarged and revised with 215 color plates. This Thieme Flexibook presents the fundamentals of human and mammalian biochemistry in 192 stunning color plates. Key features include the unique combination of highly effective color graphics and comprehensive figure legends. Unified color-coding of atoms, coenzymes, chemical classes, and cell organelles allows quick recognition of all involved systems, and computer graphics provide simulated 3D representation of many important molecules. This Flexibook is ideal for students of all levels with its complete coverage of the structure and composition of biologically relevant molecules and their metabolism

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Автор: М. Н. Милеева

Год издания: 

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. OLAP и многомерный анализ данных Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. OLAP и многомерный анализ данных

Автор: А. Б. Бергер

Год издания: 

Книга, написанная разработчиками Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services, дает читателю полное представление об его функционировании и устройстве. В ней рассмотрены основы многомерного анализа данных и дано глубокое представление о многомерных моделях данных и устройстве OLAP-сервера. Описаны основные концепции языка доступа к многомерным данным MDX и его расширенные возможности, а также архитектура сервера, методы обработки данных и алгоритмы доступа к данным. Приведены внутренние и внешние протоколы обмена данными, включая протокол XML/A. Рассмотрены алгоритмы управления ресурсами Analysis Services, в том числе алгоритмы управления памятью. Описан процесс создания эффективных клиентских приложений с использованием Analysis Services, механизмы интеграции многомерных и реляционных баз данных. Уделено внимание безопасности, а также администрированию Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. Для разработчиков и бизнес-аналитиков.

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Автор: Н. В. Александрович

Год издания: 

A system of chemistry. Vol. 2 A system of chemistry. Vol. 2

Автор: Thomas Thomson

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A system of chemistry: in 5 volumes by Thomas Thomson Vol. 2».