Скачать книгу - Karl Polanyi. The Limits of the Market

Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation is generally acclaimed as being among the most influential works of economic history in the twentieth century, and remains as vital in the current historical conjuncture as it was in his own. In its critique of nineteenth-century «market fundamentalism» it reads as a warning to our own neoliberal age, and is widely touted as a prophetic guidebook for those who aspire to understand the causes and dynamics of global economic turbulence at the end of the 2000s. Karl Polanyi: The Limits of the Market is the first comprehensive introduction to Polanyi's ideas and legacy. It assesses not only the texts for which he is famous – prepared during his spells in American academia – but also his journalistic articles written in his first exile in Vienna, and lectures and pamphlets from his second exile, in Britain. It provides a detailed critical analysis of The Great Transformation, but also surveys Polanyi’s seminal writings in economic anthropology, the economic history of ancient and archaic societies, and political and economic theory. Its primary source base includes interviews with Polanyi's daughter, Kari Polanyi-Levitt, as well as the entire compass of his own published and unpublished writings in English and German. This engaging and accessible introduction to Polanyi's thinking will appeal to students and scholars across the social sciences, providing a refreshing perspective on the roots of our current economic crisis.

English for Marketing Managers = Английский язык для маркетологов English for Marketing Managers = Английский язык для маркетологов

Автор: C. А. Прозоровский

Год издания: 

Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов вузов, аспирантов и слушателей программ MBA со специализацией маркетинг, а также для широкого круга лиц, работающих в сфере международного бизнеса и маркетинга, имеющих базовую подготовку на уровне, не ниже «intermediate», и стремящихся совершенствовать свои знания. С пособием можно работать как в группах под руководством преподавателя, так и самостоятельно, проверяя себя по ответам на наиболее сложные задания. Цель пособия состоит в развитии билингвистической компетенции, т.е. в обучении активному пользованию маркетинговой терминологией на русском и английском языках при чтении профильной литературы, поиске нужных материалов в источниках и осуществлению эффективных коммуникаций в работе с иностранными партнерами.

Be a Sales Superstar. 21 Great Ways to Sell More, Faster, Easier in Tough Markets Be a Sales Superstar. 21 Great Ways to Sell More, Faster, Easier in Tough Markets

Автор: Брайан Трейси

Год издания: 

Brian Tracy shares the most important principles for sales success he has discovered in 30 years of training more than a half million sales professionals in 23 countries. Based on Tracy’s detailed discussions with top salespeople and his keen observation of their methods, as well as his own experiences as a record-breaking salesman, these guidelines address both the inner game of selling—the mental component—and the outer game of selling—the methods and techniques of actually making the sale. Concise and action-oriented, Be a Sales Superstar is a handbook for busy sales professionals, providing key ideas and techniques that will immediately increase your effectiveness and boost your results. Brian Tracy shows you how to: • Get more and better appointments, easier; • Build high rapport in the first few minutes; • Make better, more effective sales presentations • Close more sales faster than ever before Apply Tracy’s 21 great ways to be a superstar salesperson, and your success in selling will become unlimited.

30 Days to Online PR and Marketing Success 30 Days to Online PR and Marketing Success

Автор: Gail Z. Martin

Год издания: 

Google and the Internet have changed how the PR game is played – and created an explosion of blogs, Websites, and social media platforms with an insatiable need for news. Small companies can create global visibility for their products on a pennies-a-day budget with online PR and Internet marketing – If they know the tricks of the trade. Using a unique Rule of 30™approach, 30 Days to Online PR and Marketing Success helps busy business owners see results fast. Thirty short chapters are packed with real-world tips and proven techniques to create online PR and marketing campaigns that drive traffic to your site and buyers to your products.You’ll quickly and easily learn how to: • Use online PR and keywords to climb to the top of search-engine rankings • Reach reporters and consumers with hot news and information • Blend online PR and Internet marketing to reach millions of targeted prospects on a small budget Looking for rapid online marketing results on a shoestring budget? 30 Days to Online PR & Marketing Success is for you. Google и Интернет полностью изменили современное представление о рекламе – блоги, сайты, социальные сети… Потребность в новостях просто переходит все допустимые пределы. Используя уникальное правило 30-дневного онлайн-пиара, постоянно занятые владельцы бизнеса без труда узнают все, что им необходимо о рекламе, и создадут глобальную видимость своего продукта. Еще вы узнаете, как: • использовать онлайн-PR и правильные ключевые слова для того, чтобы подняться на вершину рейтинга в поисковых системах; • удовлетворить свою потребность в информации и необходимых новостях; • смешать онлайн-PR и интернет-маркетинг для достижения целей при наличии небольшого бюджета. Если вы – тот человек, который привык в короткие сроки добиваться внушительных результатов, то книга просто создана для вас.

Influence of asymmetrical military confrontation on market structure. From the Behavioral point of view by Semiotic approach Influence of asymmetrical military confrontation on market structure. From the Behavioral point of view by Semiotic approach

Автор: Georgi Hristov

Год издания: 

In this work I look how the conflicts influence on the market structure and its peculiar communication. At the same time is appraised the semiotic substance and power of the signs for the interpretation of a coercive changing economic reality. In the specific aspects of examination are included typical moments of military confrontation in Ukraine and in the territories, where Islamic State has activity. Some observations of the wars in ex-Yugoslavia from the 90s are also included.

Играй & Богатей multi-LEVEL GAME / marketing. Игра / Успех Играй & Богатей multi-LEVEL GAME / marketing. Игра / Успех

Автор: Бизнес

Год издания: 

В увлекательной форме игры описан многоуровневый алгоритм достижения успеха в сетевом маркетинге. Приводятся рекомендации для новичков и профессионалов в этом бизнесе.