Скачать книгу - True Change. How Outsiders on the Inside Get Things Done in Organizations

Drawing on her own long-term research and extensive work experience, Janice Klein reveals how the power of people (insiders who are able to see problems from outsider's perspective), approach («pulling change»), and system (support infrastructure) combine to turn new ideas and concepts into institutionalized practices. In particular, certain people inside organizations «outsiders on the inside» are key to driving innovation, adaptation, and real change. Using examples from leading companies in MIT's Leaders for Manufacturing (LFM) and System Design and Management (SDM) Partnership – such as Boeing, Intel, Motorola, Alcoa, Ford, Kodak, and others – she shows how employees at all levels can learn how to become «an outsider on the inside,» and be in the right place at the right time to discover opportunities to «pull» into their organization. Throughout, we grow to understand the perspectives of numerous «outsiders on the inside,» by hearing their voices and observing their actions. The strategy Klein provides is relevant for any company that hopes to build a change capability, rather than attempt only to manage change.

Forces inside us Forces inside us

Автор: Hey Luisa

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Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things

Автор: Виктор Петин

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Рассмотрено создание простых устройств в рамках концепции Интернета вещей (IoT, Internet of Things) на базе популярной платформы Arduino и микрокомпьютера Raspberry Pi. Показана установка и настройка среды разработки приложений Arduino IDE, а также среда макетирования Frizing. Описаны технические возможности, особенности подключения и взаимодействия различных датчиков и исполнительных устройств. Показана организация доступа разрабатываемых проектов к сети Интернет, отправка и получение ими данных с использованием популярных облачных IoT сервисов: Narodmon, ThingSpeak, Xively, Weaved, Blynk, Wyliodrin и др. Уделено внимание обмену данными с помощью платы GPRS/GSM Shield. Рассмотрен проект создания собственного сервера для сбора по сети данных с различных устройств на платформе Arduino. Показано как использовать фреймворк WebIOPi для работы с Raspberry Pi. Приведены примеры использования Wi-Fi-модуля ESP8266 в проектах «Умный дом». На сайте издательства размещен архив с исходными кодами программ и библиотек. Для интересующихся современной электроникой.

Внутри. Inside Внутри. Inside

Автор: Анна Арт

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О чём вы будете думать, если узнаете, что скоро умрёте? Будете ли вы в отчаянии рассказывать людям обо всём плохом, что вы сделали в этой жизни? Вряд ли… А если вы окажетесь с этими людьми в запертом помещении и это будет ваша единственная и последняя возможность рассказать о своих тайнах, которые терзали и мучили всю жизнь, но в которых страшно было признаться даже самим себе? Наркотики, предательства, измены. Что ещё скрывают 9 человек в ожидании неминуемой смерти?

Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge

Автор: Geoffrey M Bellman

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You are not in charge and you want to make a difference: that is the dilemma. You may not know who is in charge in today's changing, temporary, and virtual organizations, but you know you are not! You are searching for ways to contribute through the work you do and gain some personal satisfaction in the process. This book can help you do just that. In this new edition of his classic book, Geoff Bellman shows readers how to make things happen in any organization regardless of their formal position. The new edition has been written for a wider audience, including people in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors, paid and volunteer workers, managers and individual contributors, contract and freelance workers. More than seventy percent of the material is brand new, including new examples, new chapters, new exercises, and much more.

Leadership from the Inside Out. Becoming a Leader for Life Leadership from the Inside Out. Becoming a Leader for Life

Автор: Kevin Cashman

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Leadership from the Inside Out, Kevin Cashman’s breakthrough business bestseller that clearly connected personal growth to leadership effectiveness, is now completely revised and updated with: • an explosion of new validating independent research • impressive new case studies • new tools and practices • an even more powerful virtual coaching experience  Still framed in seven simple yet profound “mastery areas,” this book serves as an integrated coaching experience that helps leaders understand how to harness their authentic, value-creating influence and elevate their impact as individuals, in teams, and in organizations. Cashman demonstrates that his trademark “whole-person” approach—we lead by virtue of who we are—is essential to sustained success in today’s talent-starved marketplace and provides a measurable return on investment. For everyone from CEOs to emerging leaders, this long-awaited second edition advances the art and science of leadership and is even more relevant today than when it was first published.