Скачать книгу - Barbarians of Wealth. Protecting Yourself from Today's Financial Attilas

How the actions of a few in Europe destroyed the prosperity of the many (and how it's happening again now in America) After the fall of the Roman Empire, vicious barbaric tribes including the Hunds lead by Atilla, the Mongols, Charlemagne and the Vikings invaded Europe, plundering property and destroying homes. But, they didn't just steal and destroy property in the villages; they also stole and destroyed any prosperity the villagers had previously enjoyed. What's worse is the barbarians of the Dark Ages did all of this not out of any deeply held religious or political belief, but, rather, for the oldest reason in the book – their own personal financial gain. Some things never change. Barbarians of Wealth examines how the greedy, self-serving decisions of a select group of politicians and financial institutions negatively impacts the economy and, ultimately, destroys America's prosperity and the American way of life. Compelling and engaging, the book Details how Goldman Sachs peddled mortgage backed securities up and down Wall Street while secretly betting against their demise Discusses how Sanford Weill, founder of Citigroup spent $100 million lobbying for the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act that prevented the merger of commercial and investment banks and got his way. Examines Christopher Dodd, head of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, has enriched himself while driving down the prosperity of his constituents Offers up examples of other modern barbarians, including the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, Hank Paulson, and Timothy Geithner. Highlights greed driven tactics of Wall Street corporations including JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, and Salomon Brothers. Barbarians of Wealth is a timely must read for hard-working Americans concerned with their prosperity, as well as for those fascinated with the inner workings of Washington and Wall Street.

Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes

Автор: Simon Sharpe

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Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes covers general tasks including basic navigation skills, working with master data, and running reports. With timesaving tips, plain english definitions, panic button advice, and easy-to-follow tutorials that can be completed in 10 minutes or less, you will be immediately productive. This book covers the general SAP functions that every end-user of SAP-based applications must know. It focuses on the user interface, access issues, and basic navigation skills using mini-tutorials. You’ll learn all the essential tasks for running SAP-based applications smoothly and easily. Ten minutes is all you need to learn how to log on to SAP R/3, access the SAP R/3 modules, use basic navigation skills, work with master data, generate reports, read and interpret common error messages, and access extensive online help features.

Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes) Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes)

Автор: Burke Dorothy

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Book Description In today's fast paced world, we're lucky to get spare time each day to think, relax, read, take a nap...Who has time to learn something new? You do. Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes is an essential reference guideto Lotus Notes 7 with practical answers for people who need fast results. Broken into concise ten minutes sections, you will learn about the features of Lotus Notes 7, including: E-mail Calendar Web Conferencing TeamRoom Discussion Templates Discover Folders Discover and master the use of features that you didn't even know existed with Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes.

Русская философия today Русская философия today

Автор: Владимир Красиков

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Монография представляет собой историко-философское и, одновременно, социально-философское исследование, посвященное нескольким смежным темам: складывание образа русской философии на Западе в 20–50 гг. ХХ в.; особенности присутствия русской философии в англоязычных книгоиздательствах, Интернет-энциклопедиях, исследовательскоэкспертном сообществе; выявление специфических черт развития советской, российской философии в последние полстолетия (темы, направления, линии соперничества) и некоторых характеристик современного отечественного философского сообщества (композиции влияния, формы коммуникации и философско-психологические типажи). Книга адресована российским философам и всем, кто интересуется историей и проблемами русской философии, особенностями национального характера и поисками российской идентичности.

Financial Statements Financial Statements

Автор: Ittelson Thomas

Год издания: 

Now the best-selling book of its kind has gotten even better.This revised and expanded second edition of Ittelson's master work will give you that firm grasp of "the numbers" necessary for business success. With more than 100,000 copies in print, Financial Statements is a perfect introduction to financial accounting for non-financial managers, stock-market investors, undergraduate business and MBA students, lawyers, lenders, entrepreneurs, and more. Most introductory finance and accounting books fail either because they are written "by accountants for accountants" or the authors "dumb down" the concepts until they are virtually useless. Financial Statements deftly shows that all this accounting and financial-reporting stuff is not rocket science and that you can understand it! Ittelson empowers non-financial managers by clearly and simply demonstrating how the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement work together to offer a "snapshot" of any company's financial health. Every term is defined in simple, understandable language. Every concept is explained with a basic, straightforward transaction example. And with the book's uniquely visual approach, you'll be able to see exactly how each transaction affects the three key financial statement of the enterprise. Two new major sections with nine new chapters were added to this revised second edition of Financial Statements, simply the clearest and most comprehensive introduction to financial reporting available. Теперь этот бестселлер стал еще лучше! Переработанное и дополненное второе издание книги даст вам твердое понимание финансовых показателей, необходимых для успеха в бизнесе. Выпущенная суммарным тиражом более чем 100 000 экземпляров, книга является прекрасным введением в финансовую отчетность для нефинансовых менеджеров, инвесторов в фондовые рынки, юристов, кредиторов и предпринимателей. Большинство книг подобного рода терпят крах именно потому, что они написаны «бухгалтерами для бухгалтеров» – в них рассматриваются концепции и понятия, которые являются практически бесполезными для нефинансистов. «Финансовая отчетность» показывает, что бухгалтерский учет и финансовая отчетность не относятся к области высшей математики и вполне доступны для понимания! Иттельсон четко и просто демонстрирует, как бухгалтерский баланс, отчет о прибыли и убытках и кэшфлоу дают «краткую характеристику» финансового состояния любой компании. Каждый термин определяется на понятном языке. Каждая концепция объясняется на примере простой сделки. Визуальное оформление книги позволяет увидеть, как именно каждая операция затрагивает три ключевые финансовые показателя предприятия. В книгу добавлены два новых раздела с девятью новыми главами.

Think Yourself to Death Think Yourself to Death

Автор: Marlowe Stephen

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