Скачать книгу - Rigged Money. Beating Wall Street at Its Own Game

Today's financial landscape and what Wall Street doesn't want you to know Rigged Money is based on one simple truth: Wall Street needs money from Main Street, not the other way around. The financial industry has convinced the general public that investing across different asset classes is the only way to protect wealth, but this is an outdated rule that no longer applies. Since asset classes—small caps, large caps, international investments, gold, and bonds—now overlap when it comes to risk and volatility parameters, the diversification effect is gone. That's exactly what Wall Street doesn't want you to know—that the rules of the game have changed. Risk Isn't Constant: Pie charts lie when it comes to accurately describing the risk of stocks and bonds Dividends Are No Silver Bullet: They are designed to entice investors rather than to increase a company's value or your net worth Buy and Hold is Dead: The financial world (and all the companies and securities in it) moves too quickly and is changing too often for this theory to hold true today Gold Is Not an Investment: Gold is today's currency of fear, and this fear is driven by escalating government debt An unflinching look at this new financial world, Lee Munson's Rigged Money arms today's investors with the simple, smart, and clear advice needed to level the playing field.

WebMoney. Руководство пользователя WebMoney. Руководство пользователя

Автор: Коллектив

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WebMoney. Руководство пользователя. Иллюстрированное руководство пользователя системой WebMoney будет полезно как начинающим, так и продвинутым пользователям. Даются подробные иллюстрированные инструкции по подключению, осуществлению платежей-трансфертов, по возможным вариантам заработков в системе, пополнению счетов и обналичиванию средств, накопленных в системе WebMoney. Дополнительно подробно рассматривается работа с кошельками, программами WebMoney Keeper Classic и WebMoney Keeper Light. Все инструкции просты и понятны. На каждой странице присутствуют рисунки и подробные объяснения, есть рабочие ссылки на официальные ресурсы системы WebMoney, что позволяет на практике проверять полученные знания и при необходимости скачивать программы.

The increase in power through supercharging of street racing in eBook The increase in power through supercharging of street racing in eBook

Автор: Автоклуб

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Introduction to boost technology

Lessons from history

Turbochargers: past and present

Nitrous oxide: from the beginnings to the present day

Aspiration: theory and basic principles

What you should know about turbochargers

Turbocharger boost pressure control

The strategy to prevent the turbocharger turboyam

What you should know about turbochargers

Cooling the intake charge

Injection water and other alternative solutions

Fuels and fuel additives


Air intake system

Injection of nitrous oxide

Exhaust system

The process of combustion and ignition system

The engine management system

Increased engine durability

Lubrication system

Cooling system

Modification of the factory engine supercharged

Testing theory in practice and a few thoughts

The Street The Street

Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

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The story traces the history of the eponymous street in a New England city, presumably Boston, from its first beginnings as a path in colonial times to a quasi-supernatural occurrence in the years immediately following World War I.

Her Benny: A Story of Street Life Her Benny: A Story of Street Life

Автор: Hocking Silas Kitto

Год издания: 

Second Thoughts are Best: Or a Further Improvement of a Late Scheme to Prevent Street Robberies Second Thoughts are Best: Or a Further Improvement of a Late Scheme to Prevent Street Robberies

Автор: Даниэль Дефо

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