Скачать книгу - The Silk Road Rediscovered. How Indian and Chinese Companies Are Becoming Globally Stronger by Winning in Each Other's Markets

A roadmap for understanding the business challenges and opportunities in China By 2025, China and India will be two of the world's four largest economies. By then, economic ties between them should also rank among the ten most important bilateral ties worldwide. Their leaders are well aware of these emerging realities. In May 2013, just two months after taking charge, Premier Li Keqiang left for India on his first official trip outside China, a clear signal of China's foreign policy priorities. The Silk Road Rediscovered is the first book ever to analyze the growing corporate linkages between India and China. Did you know that: India's Mahindra is the fifth largest tractor manufacturer in China? Tata Motors' Jaguar Land Rover unit is the fastest growing luxury auto seller in China? India's NIIT is the most influential IT training brand in China? China's Huawei has its second largest R&D center in Bangalore and employs over 5000 people in India? Shanghai Electric earns its largest revenues outside China from India? As these developments illustrate, pioneering Indian and Chinese companies are rediscovering the fabled Silk Road which joined their nations in ancient times. Winning in each other's markets is also making them stronger and whetting their appetite for further global expansion. This book examines how Indian companies such as Tata Consultancy Services, Mahindra Tractors, NIIT, Tata Motors/Jaguar Land Rover and Sundaram Fasteners have figured out how to win in China. Their experiences may inspire and offer lessons to other Indian companies. The book also examines how Chinese pioneers such as Lenovo, Huawei, TBEA, Haier and Xinxing have made a strong commitment to India and are beginning to realize the fruits of this commitment. The key lessons that emerge from these analyses are: the odds of success go up dramatically when executives adopt a global rather than local-for-local perspective and are skillful at learning on the ground.

Horses and Other Animals In Motion. 45 Classic Photographic Sequences Horses and Other Animals In Motion. 45 Classic Photographic Sequences

Автор: Muybridge Eadweard

Год издания: 

Эта книга - сборник фотографий различных животных в движении. Фотографии сделаны со скоростью 1/2000 секунды, и полученные секвенции кадров представляют собой типичные движения лошадей и других животных на расчерченном вспомогательной сеткой фоне. Большинство секвенций включают снимки с нескольких углов зрения. Лошади показаны в ходьбе, рыси, легком галопе, галопе, тянущими повозку и т.д. Также представлены движения собак, кошек, свиней, слона, козы, птиц и др. Книга является репринтом издания, выпущенного в 1887 году. На мой взгляд, будет полезна художникам в качестве референсов при изображении животных.

Scooters Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean manufacturers, book repair in eBook Scooters Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean manufacturers, book repair in eBook

Автор: Авторесурс

Год издания: 



Technical specifications

Scooter construction

Operation of the scooter

  • Controls
  • Control devices
  • Ignition switch
  • Inspection before the trip
  • Fueling the scooter
  • Starting the engine
  • Tips for managing the scooter
  • Maintenance
  • Running in
  • Routine work
  • General information
  • The design and operation of a four-stroke engine
  • Carter
  • Crank mechanism
  • Valve head
  • Replacing the piston
  • Adjusting the valve clearance
  • Check sizes
Power system
  • General information
  • Carburettor
  • Fuel tank
  • Vacuum tap
  • Diagnosis of the quality of the mixture by the color of the spark plug insulator
Lubrication system
  • General information
  • Checking engine oil level
  • Oil pump
  • Device and principle of operation
  • Disassembling of a variator
  • Replacing the weights of the variator
  • The trigger mechanism
  • Reducer
  • Basic information
  • Frame
  • Front suspension
  • Rear suspension
  • Front and rear suspension dimensions
  • Suspension adjustment
  • Disks and tires
Brake system
  • General information
  • Front brake
  • Rear brake mechanism
  • Replacement of front brake pads
Electrical equipment
  • General information
  • Schematic diagrams of electrical equipment
  • Generator
  • Battery
Caring for your scooter
  • Caring for appearance
  • Repair of plastic panels
  • Diagnosis of possible malfunctions and their elimination
  • Tips for buying a new scooter
  • Tips for buying a used scooter
  • Scooter preparation for winter
  • Scooter tuning

Бабушка, Grand-mere, Grandmother… Воспоминания внуков и внучек о бабушках, знаменитых и не очень, с винтажными фотографиями XIX-XX веков Бабушка, Grand-mere, Grandmother… Воспоминания внуков и внучек о бабушках, знаменитых и не очень, с винтажными фотографиями XIX-XX веков

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Героини книги – бабушки, наши ангелы-хранители. Судьба каждой из них неповторима, а истории любви достойны пера романиста. Наряду со свидетельствами мемуаристов XIX века в книге представлены воспоминания наших современников. Авторов объединяет «память сердца» и благодарность к тем, кто сумел предать внукам творческое отношение к жизни, сострадание к людям, любовь к искусству и природе.

The Other Gods The Other Gods

Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

Год издания: 

Barzai the Wise, a high priest and prophet greatly learned in the lore of the "gods of earth", or Great Ones, attempts to scale the mountain of Hatheg-Kla in order to look upon their faces, accompanied by his young disciple Atal. Upon reaching the peak, Barzai at first seems overjoyed until he finds that the "gods of the earth" are not there alone, but rather are overseen by the "other gods, the gods of the outer hells that guard the feeble gods of earth!" Atal flees and Barzai is never seen again.

How to Tell a Story and Other Essays How to Tell a Story and Other Essays

Автор: Марк Твен

Год издания: 

A hilarious and cutting critique of what not to do, this deliciously wicked essay lays out what writers should and must do if they want their fiction to live and breathe ? as Twain's own fiction always does. In "How to Tell a Story," the title piece, Twain takes on such mysteries as the perfectly-timed pause and the uses of the dead-pan mask, and candidly describes his own efforts to hone his platform skills.