Скачать книгу - Mobile Computing Deployment and Management. Real World Skills for CompTIA Mobility+ Certification and Beyond

Mobile computing skills are becoming standard in the IT industry Mobile Computing Deployment and Management: Real World Skills for CompTIA Mobility+ Certification and Beyond is the ultimate reference for mobile computing. Certified Wireless Network Expert Robert J. Bartz guides IT and networking professionals through the fundamental and advanced concepts of mobile computing, providing the information and instruction necessary to get up to speed on current technology and best practices. The book maps to the CompTIA Mobility+ (MB0-001) exam, making it an ideal resource for those seeking this rewarding certification. The mobile device has already overshadowed the PC as a primary means for Internet access for a large portion of the world's population, and by 2020, there will be an estimated 10 billion mobile devices worldwide. Mobile connectivity has become the new standard for business professionals, and when combined with cloud computing, it creates a world where instant access is the norm. To remain relevant, IT professionals must hone their mobile skills. The ability to manage, develop, and secure a mobile infrastructure is quickly becoming a key component to entering the IT industry, and professionals lacking those skills will be left behind. This book covers all aspects of mobile computing, including: Radio frequency, antenna, and cellular technology Physical and logical infrastructure technologies Common mobile device policies and application management Standards and certifications, and more Each chapter includes hands-on exercises, real-world examples, and in-depth guidance from the perspective of a mobile computing expert. IT professionals looking to expand their capabilities need look no further than Mobile Computing Deployment and Management: Real World Skills for CompTIA Mobility+ Certification and Beyond for the most comprehensive approach to mobile computing on the market today.

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Автор: МакЦентр

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Автор: колектив авторов

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Автор: Коллектив авторов

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Автор: Коллектив авторов

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