Скачать книгу - 300 millions de dollars. 3 mois

Ce livre a ete ecrit exactement pendant 3 mois, au 4eme trimestre 2010. Puis-je obtenir 300 millions de dollars de la part de nulle part? L’auteur dit que vous pouvez. Ne me crois pas? Le seul gain de la vente de ce livre sur Internet couvrira ce montant. Alors l’auteur affirme…

Les millions d'Arlequin Les millions d'Arlequin

Автор: Рикардо Эудженио Дриго

Год издания: 

300 millions de dollars. Partie 2. Bonheur 300 millions de dollars. Partie 2. Bonheur

Автор: Александр Невзоров

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Une fois, je me suis fixe comme objectif de saisir 300 millions de dollars en trois mois, j’ai ecrit un livre portant le meme nom. Mais le temps alloue pour cela est termine, le livre est ecrit, les resultats sont resumes… Quoi d’autre? Mais la vie ne s’est pas arretee, une personne ne peut pas vivre sans objectifs, sans nouveaux objectifs. Et je me suis mis pour elle – pour accomplir le bonheur. Et de la meme maniere pendant 3 mois. Lisez ce qui s’est passe.

300 millions de dollars. Partie 3. Foi 300 millions de dollars. Partie 3. Foi

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Год издания: 

La troisieme partie du livre “300 millions de dollars” a ete publiee. La narration ici est sous la forme d’entrees journalieres, donc c’est vraiment. Quelles pensees ont visite l’auteur du travail. Ce qu’il a fait maintenant et va faire dans le futur. Comment vont ses affaires financieres? Devant les yeux des lecteurs, il y a un petit segment de la vie d’Alexander Nevzorov. Realisez ses reves (idees) sur l’appartement, la voiture, la dacha et le compte bancaire.

Billions of Drops in Millions of Buckets. Why Philanthropy Doesn't Advance Social Progress Billions of Drops in Millions of Buckets. Why Philanthropy Doesn't Advance Social Progress

Автор: Steven Goldberg H.

Год издания: 

Praise for BILLIONS OF DROPS in MILLIONS OF BUCKETS «Billions of Drops in Millions of Buckets provides a bracing and original look at philan-thropy that offers a much-needed corrective to conventional wisdom. Steve Goldberg combines a resolve to understand why so much philanthropy accomplishes so little enduring social change with a timely and serious proposal to reinvigorate nonprofit capital markets through the simplest of insights: getting more of the money to where it can do the most good. This book will change how forward-looking philanthropists, foundations, and policymakers think about the relationship between charitable giving and the transformative capacity of social entrepreneurs.» —Jerr Boschee, founder and Executive Director, The Institute for Social Entrepreneurs; Visiting Professor of the Practice in Social Enterprise, Carnegie Mellon University «Goldberg's arguments are logical next steps in the rapidly evolving discussion of social capital markets. He offers ambitious proposals informed by the reality of current practices and focused on an achievable set of goals. He fully recognizes the potential for restructuring that is inherent in this time of financial hardship. Real change relies on big ideas, and Steve Goldberg offers us several.» —Lucy Bernholz, author of Creating Philanthropic Capital Markets: The Deliberate Evolution «When I first heard about 'evidence-based medicine,' I thought: 'you mean it isn't?' Read this book and that's how you'll feel about 'performance-based philanthropy.' Goldberg takes some of the best current management thinking and applies it to social enterprise, illuminating both the encouraging successes of social entrepreneurs and the barriers they face. Even better, he presents compelling ideas for making the social sector vastly more effective.» —Christopher Meyer, Chief Executive, Monitor Networks «Goldberg calls for more 'performance-driven philanthropy,' where nonprofits are rewarded based on their results, in place of the current dysfunction. It is an important call and a valuable contribution to discussions about how to improve nonprofits in the U.S. and internationally.» —Martin Brookes, Chief Executive, New Philanthropy Capital «Billions of Drops… is a must-read romp through emerging fields of social entrepre-neurship and nonprofit capital markets.» —George Overholser, founder and Managing Director, NFF Capital Partners

Changing the Channel. 12 Easy Ways to Make Millions for Your Business Changing the Channel. 12 Easy Ways to Make Millions for Your Business

Автор: Michael Masterson

Год издания: 

An all-encompassing guide to making the most from multi-channel marketing Written in a straightforward and accessible style, Changing the Channel offers you a detailed look at twelve of today's most important marketing channels-explaining how each one works individually as well as in conjunction with each other, leveraging the power of your message for explosive profits. Page by page, you'll become familiar with a variety of approaches, including direct online marketing, social media, public relations, radio and television advertising, direct space ads, event marketing, telesales, telemarketing, joint ventures, affiliate marketing, and direct mail. Discusses how to create successful marketing campaigns by using a mix of different marketing channels Offers some smart ways to track customer buying habits with a database that covers all marketing channels Helps you learn how to develop profitable relationships with your customers through frequent contact and by providing free quality content-not just sales pitches With this book as your guide, you'll quickly discover how marketing across multiple channels can help develop quality customer relationships and improve the bottom line of your business.