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Will I stop drinking. Russian test Will I stop drinking. Russian test

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Год издания: 

Answer honestly the questions put in the test and get honest answers. The answers are not only about your current place in this big world, but also about how to specifically «improve» your position in the area that interests you. Books of tests are well read at leisure, in company, on the road. They are a great gift.

Microbiology of Drinking Water. Production and Distribution Microbiology of Drinking Water. Production and Distribution

Автор: Gabriel Bitton

Год издания: 

Microbiology of Drinking Water Production and Distribution addresses the public health aspects of drinking water treatment and distribution. It explains the different water treatment processes, such as pretreatment, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, and their impacts on waterborne microbial pathogens and parasites. Drinking water quality may be degraded in water distribution systems—microorganisms form biofilms within distribution systems that allow them to flourish. Various methodologies have been proposed to assess the bacterial growth potential in water distribution systems. Microbiology of Drinking Water Production and Distribution also places drinking water quality and public health issues in context; it addresses the effect of bioterrorism on drinking water safety, particularly safeguards that are in place to protect consumers against the microbial agents involved. In addition, the text delves into research on drinking water quality in developing countries and the low-cost treatment technologies that could save lives. The text also examines the microbiological water quality of bottled water, often misunderstood by the public at large.

More of the World’s Best Drinking Jokes More of the World’s Best Drinking Jokes

Автор: Edward Phillips

Год издания: 

Now available as an ebook. The follow-up to The World’s Best Drinking Jokes.This collection of drinking jokes is aimed at anybody who is either fond of a drop, or knows someone else who is.

Drinking Gourd Drinking Gourd

Автор: F. N. Monjo

Год издания: 

Drinking with George Drinking with George

Автор: George Wendt

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