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Бабушка, Grand-mere, Grandmother… Воспоминания внуков и внучек о бабушках, знаменитых и не очень, с винтажными фотографиями XIX-XX веков Бабушка, Grand-mere, Grandmother… Воспоминания внуков и внучек о бабушках, знаменитых и не очень, с винтажными фотографиями XIX-XX веков

Автор: Группа авторов

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Героини книги – бабушки, наши ангелы-хранители. Судьба каждой из них неповторима, а истории любви достойны пера романиста. Наряду со свидетельствами мемуаристов XIX века в книге представлены воспоминания наших современников. Авторов объединяет «память сердца» и благодарность к тем, кто сумел предать внукам творческое отношение к жизни, сострадание к людям, любовь к искусству и природе.

Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle, as She Saw it from the Belfry Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle, as She Saw it from the Belfry

Автор: Holmes Oliver Wendell

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The secret of happiness. Fairy tale advent of a successful woman, mother and a grandmother The secret of happiness. Fairy tale advent of a successful woman, mother and a grandmother

Автор: Svetlana Miettinen

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You want to improve your life and to be happy. The energy of the paintings and words in the book will help you to be aware of your own reality and to make the first steps towards happiness. This book was born spontaneously; I was moved by the desire to help people. My book is for those readers who can understand from the suggestion of a thought or one word, this way one can develop own ideas. Knowledge applied in action is the power of life!

The Grandmothers The Grandmothers

Автор: Doris Lessing

Год издания: 

Four novellas by Doris Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, that once again show her to be unequalled in her ability to capture the truth of the human condition.The title story, ‘The Grandmothers’, is an astonishing tour de force, a shockingly intimate portrait of an unconventional extended family and the lengths to which they will go to find happiness and love. Written with a keen cinematic eye, the story is a ruthless dissection of the veneer of middle-class morality and convention.‘Victoria and the Staveneys’, takes us through 20 years of the life of a young underprivileged black girl in London. A chance meeting introduces her to the Staveneys – a liberal white middle-class family – and, seduced, she falls pregnant by one of the sons. As her daughter grows up, Victoria feels her parental control diminishing as the attractions of the Staveneys’ world exert themselves. An honest and often uncomfortable look at race relations in London over the past few decades, Lessing reaffirms her brilliance at demonstrating the effect of society on the individual.With these novellas, and ‘The Reason for It’ and ‘A Love Child’, Lessing proves once again that she is one of our most valuable and insightful living authors.

My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry

Автор: Fredrik Backman

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