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See on nii romantiline! Mitu inimest on mu kasikirja kohta kasutanud just seda fraasi ja neil on oigus: noor kriisis ameeriklane armub ponevasse eestlannast ajakirjanikku ning alustab teekonda, mis taastab noormehe usu endasse ja maailma. Nous. See on romantiline. Aga see teekond ei olnud lihtne. Valismaalane saabub keset koige pimedamat talve ja peab jaama ellu sel koige onnetuma saatusega Skandinaaviamaal, kus iga perekonda kummitavad minevikuoudused, kus inimesed soovad verest tehtud vorste ja tarretiseks keedetud lihatukke, joovad sooja leivajooki, ning hilinemise eest voib neid tabada surmanuhtlus. Ma hakkasin seda maad armastama tema ilus ja inetuses, ja armastasin edasi ka neil hetkedel, kui mind maale tagasi lasta ei tahetud.

My Estonia 3. What Happened? My Estonia 3. What Happened?

Автор: Justin Petrone

Год издания: 

This is the story of a man looking for his way. New York did not satisfy his soul, so he moved to Estonia, with his crazy wife, a kid, and six suitcases. Within 24 hours he found a home and had to learn how to make a fire. It did not satisfy his soul for long. Soon he had a house with four furnaces, and was making fires around the clock.His crazy Estonian wife started a publishing house that turned out well. Too well. He decided to become an academic. It did not satisfy him for long, but at least he met a real elf who inspired him. Then he decided to dabble in diplomacy. It did not feel right either.And he got depressed. There were too many drunks and neo-Nazis in this country, not to mention all the mice, lice, and ice. Writing books – bestsellers! – about those problems seemed to satisfy his soul. He thought he had found his niche, as a writer in a small town teeming with cafes and characters.Then, overnight, it all collapsed.The action in Justin Petrone ?s new book takes place mostly in two Estonian towns, folksy Viljandi and teacherly Tartu. It takes place from the year 2007 (the Bronze Soldier riots) until 2013 (when Petrone left Estonia amid a national scandal).

Estonian Information Society Yearbook 2011/2012 Estonian Information Society Yearbook 2011/2012

Автор: Karin Kastehein

Год издания: 

In these two years (2011-2012) the 10th anniversary of two of the primary cornerstones of our e-State were marked in Estonia. On December 17, 2011 we celebrated the 10th anniversary of X-Road – a middleware allowing secure data exchange between different databases. By January 2012, ten years had passed from the issuing of the first ID-card in Estonia. It is a pleasure to acknowledge that the mentioned projects initiated at the end of 1990-ies have proved to be a success and a millionth digital signature was given on December 3, 2012. The yearbook also focuses on other areas of significant developments during the two recent years, such as open data, green ICT, cyber security and development of high-speed Internet. The yearbooks about Estonian information society developments are published since 1996 and can be found http://www.riso.ee/en/publications/natpublications

Estonian Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Conservation. 2005-2012 Estonian Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Conservation. 2005-2012

Автор: National Heritage Board, Tallinn Culture And Herit Arts

Год издания: 

Varske valjaanne votab kokku seni ilmunud muinsuskaitse aastaraamatute parimad palad aastatel 2005-2012.Tutvustamaks Eesti muinsuskaitse tegemisi-toimetusi ka inglisekeelsele lugejaskonnale annab kaesolev trukis hea ulevaate viimase seitsme aasta jooksul tehtud silmapaistvamatest toodest eri valdkondade malestistel. Eraldi rubriikidena on tahelepanu all linnaruum, kirikud, moisad, toostusparand, tehnoloogia ja arheoloogia. Koikide artiklite autorid on oma ala spetsialistid ning huvitavat lugemist leidub nii muinsuskaitse huvilistele, restauraatoritele, arhitektidele kui ka kunstiajaloolastele.Samuti annab kogumik suureparase voimaluse valisspetsialistidele tutvuda Eesti poneva restaureerimismaailmaga ning uurida suvitsi uhe voi teise objekti taassunnilugu. „Estonian Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Conservation. Vol. 1 2005-2012“ is the first edition in English summarizing a collection of articles from previously published national heritage yearbooks. It is an overview of the preservation and conservation of Estonian cultural heritage in the years of 2005-2012. Published by the Estonian National Heritage Board, Tallinn Culture and Heritage Department and the Department of Cultural Heritage and Conservation at the Estonian Academy of Arts

My Estonia II My Estonia II

Автор: Justin Petrone

Год издания: 

Oli 2003. aasta. Pohjamaa serval pesitsevas vaikeses Eestis puhusid muutuste tuuled: tuli otsustada, kas liituda Euroopa rahvastega. Kohale oli joudnud ka tarbimishulluse ja kinnisvarapalaviku torm. Skandinaavia rahameeste toel tootas see tommata lina ule sotsialistliku majanduse laiba ning muuta koik saravaks ja uueks. Sellal, kui Eesti vaagis oma tulevikku sadeleva laane vastse liikmena, maadlesin mina enda saatusega. Pohja-Euroopa oli mind peibutanud kalliskiviliku veetlusega, ent nuud pidin tegelema tehtud otsuse tagajargedega. Olin kui kits kahe heinakuhja vahel: mind sikutasid edasi-tagasi mu suure ameerika-itaalia perekonna vajadused ja maa, mille „metsarahvaga” oli keeruline sobruneda. Paevad kahanesid rusuvalt luhikeseks ja asendusid pohjamaiste oodega ning mu peas kestis tormiline vaidlus saatuse ja vaba tahte vahel. Olin 23, varske abikaasa, peatne isa. Kas seda koike olingi ma tahtnud? Justin Petrone


Автор: Carl Orav

Год издания: 

These are the stories of five Estonian officers who were classmates at the Estonian Military Technical Academy during the years of 1936 thru 1940. Their detailed memoirs start with the Soviet occupation of Estonia and the outbreak of World War II. All were commissioned 2nd lieutenants upon their graduation from the academy in 1940. Then their lives took different paths.